Our operations have positive and negative impacts on the lives of the people in the local communities where we operate. We are a significant local employer and purchaser providing services such as district heat and clean water to local communities and supporting local activities. Our goal is to do our best to minimise harmful impacts and partake in an active dialogue with the local community. For our own employees, we want to be a good and a safe place to work.
Continuing support of local communities where we operate is a prerequisite for our business continuity. We want to be a good neighbour and engage in various actions for the benefit of the local community while minimizing the harmful impacts of our operations. Prompt management of environmental issues and open and transparent communication with our closest neighbours and local communities is a must to ensure social acceptance of our operations.
We view compliance with laws and regulations as one elemental aspect for ethical business. Furthermore, we are committed to enhancing ethical business culture in all of our countries of operation and within our supply chain. Our Code of Conduct describes the ethical principles on how to conduct business and it applies to everyone at Nordkalk and our suppliers as well. We reject corruption in all forms and respect human rights. We expect all of our employees report any suspected cases of misconduct through a confidential whistleblowing procedure.
At Nordkalk, our future success lies in the continuing commitment and competence of our people. Our goal is to be a good place to work, with satisfied, motivated, well-being and engaged personnel. We want to support a good work-life balance and offer our people opportunities for development. We respect human rights and have zero tolerance for discrimination and bullying. We do not, under any circumstances, accept child or forced labour in any of our operations or activities.
In the year 2021, our PeoplePower rating, measuring employee engagement, was AA (Good), which is clearly above the European norm.
Safety at work is an important everyday issue at Nordkalk. Safety always comes first and is a normal part of management and of the planning of work. We include everybody working on Nordkalk’s premises, whether they are own personnel, contractors or visitors, in our safety management in order to give them a safe place to work or visit. Our long-term target in safety is zero accidents.
In 2021, we managed to reduce the number of work-related accidents by over 40%. Our LTA1 (lost time accidents, own personnel/million working hours) rate was 4.9 and 95% of our people were engaged in the safety work.