The ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, from a humane perspective, is deeply distressful. We, like the rest of Europe, follow the situation closely.
To Nordkalk, the safety of our colleagues in Ukraine is the main concern. Our latest information confirms they are safe at the moment and we are doing our utmost to support them in this terrible situation.
We condemn military aggression in general and therefore also the aggression against Ukraine. Due to this reason we have ceased sourcing from Russia and Belarus and stopped our product deliveries to Russia.
Nordkalk has no direct sales to Ukraine, Belarus or Russia, which prior to the war were de minimis on a Group revenue level.
No one can foresee the long term effects of this war on the world, but currently our operations in other Nordkalk countries continue and customer deliveries are secured. We will keep our customers informed if the situation should change.
Our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people and, together with our owner SigmaRoc, we support them through established charity foundations working in Poland and Ukraine by donating 20 000 Euros for humanitarian aid.
Paul Gustavsson, CEO