

After eight weeks at Nordkalk, Paul Gustavsson is impressed

The new CEO Paul Gustavsson has been a lot on the road since he started at Nordkalk on 29 April. His first priority has been to get to know the people at the 30+ locations where Nordkalk operates. By now he has visited Pargas, Lappeenranta, Tytyri, Köping, Storugns, Uddagården, Miedzianka, Wolica, Slawno, and also the Joint Venture partners in NorFraKalk in Verdal, Norway, KPAB on Gotland, and Nordeka Maden in Turkey.

“My focus has been to meet our local management teams and employees. I am impressed of the fantastic dedication to the company shown by our employees, they really feel strongly about Nordkalk. This is for example demonstrated by how long people stay with our company. In Lappeenranta I was visiting a lunch room and spoke with the four people having their break. They had in total 129 year of employment at Nordkalk between the four of them. That is very rare and an asset! With this kind of commitment, knowledge and experience we will certainly take Nordkalk onto the best-in-class level where it belongs”, says Paul.  He refers to the Transformation Programme that was initiated in the beginning of the year, in order to elevate Nordkalk’s operational performance and profitability. 

Nordkalk has a strong core business based on limestone. It is a product that is needed practically everywhere: in several industries, construction, agriculture and environmental care. Limestone ends up in some form in everyone’s daily life, for example through such basic breakfast items as water, bread, sugar and an egg, steel cutlery, a glass and a paper napkin. “I think we underestimate the need to repeatedly communicate with the outside world how important lime is. In fact lime is a prerequisite for a sustainable society”.

Photo: Breakfast table – Limestone is part of our everyday lives

“When I talk to people who do not know about lime (which, I am sad to say, is the case of too many of my friends and neighbours) I tell them how much lime is required for a bottle of beer/or wine: for the hops or the grape, the farmer uses lime to control the growth in the field, the glass manufacturer uses lime to clean and strengthen the glass, the label contains probably 10-30% of lime for colour and filling, and finally the steel manufacturer uses lime to clean and strengthen the metal for the cap manufacturer. This story works and is an eye opener.”

“We will spread the good news about limestone and its importance in many environmental applications. At the same time, we will intensify our own efforts in reducing energy consumption and emissions. It is a part of the Transformation Programme, which will in the long run benefit all our stakeholders”, promises Paul. 

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