Nordkalk joined the national energy saving campaign Down a Degree, which started in Finland last autumn. As part of Nordkalk’s participation, we wanted to collect ideas from our own people on how to save energy at Nordkalk during the winter months and beyond.
During the 6-month long campaign, we received many excellent suggestions, and our expert jury evaluated them based on their potential for energy savings and feasibility of implementation.
Ten winners will receive a prize of 1000€ for their contributions towards energy conservation at Nordkalk.
All in all, 71 ideas were submitted by 46 people. In addition to the main prizes, weekly raffles were organised with 21 lucky winners.
The results have shown us that we can make a significant impact on our energy usage by making simple changes and using innovative solutions. We will be implementing many of the ideas submitted and continue to seek new and sustainable ways to reduce our carbon footprint.
Every submitted idea is very much appreciated and the overall response clearly shows the interest towards this topic throughout the organisation.
Markus Fagervik